Weekly Yoga Classes
I currently run 4 Yoga classes per week:
Monday – Yin Yoga – £10
18:30 – 19:45
Repton House, Church Street, Lea, Matlock
Tuesday – Yoga – Aura Gym members only
19:00 – 20:00
Aura Gym, Ravenstor Road, Wirksworth
Members only but one off fees can be negotiated
Wednesday – Vinyasa Flow – £10
18:30 – 19:45
Christ Church, Church Street, Lea, Matlock
Sunday – Vinyasa Flow – £10
17:15 – 18:45
Florence Nightingale Memorial Village Hall, Mill Ln, Holloway, Matlock
The cost for all classes is £10. This is reduced to £9 if two classes are attended in one week.

All Levels Welcome!
All levels of yogi’s are welcome. Classes will be adapted for varying degrees of physical ability and alternate variations on certain postures will help the pupil to find a physical sequence to meet their individual needs.
Classes will include pranayama (breathing exercises), asana sequences (physical practice both standing and sitting) and relaxation.
Loose comfortable clothing should be worn. We have some spare mats but bringing your own good quality yoga mat and belt is strongly advised. Blocks and bolsters can be provided. Please contact me for any advice when purchasing yoga mats!
The cost for all classes is £10 per session. This is reduced to £9 if two classes are attended in one week.
At the times my classes run there is plenty of parking at all locations.