
Calming, Stimulating & Soothing

Essential oils are extracted from herbs and plants and contain all the properties of the plants themselves. There are several ways of applying the oils, including adding the oils to your bath, or inhaling them, but the most popular and effective is through massage.

Qalbi Yoga aromatherapy bottle and herbs

I completed my aromatherapy training at Clarendon College Nottingham. The course ran over a 12-month period and focussed on the use of essential oils to promote healing and enhance a feeling of wellbeing.

After taking a health history a blend of oils that are specific to your health needs are selected. The oils are combined with carrier oil and applied in a full body or part body massage. The oil is gently warmed before applying to body. Long sweeping movements help to enhance the warmth of the skin and prepare for deep body massage. Once the muscles are warmed then more intricate movements are used to help deliver the oils to particular muscle groups and tissue.

In addition to a physical sense of well-being, aromatherapy massage can have a positive emotional benefit. Oils can be selected to affect the mood, whether it be uplifting, calming, stimulating or soothing.

Aromatherapy massage is not appropriate for everyone so careful consultation is required beforehand.

First session £55 for 1 hour (please add 20 mins for consultation)

Consequent sessions £50

Part body £30 for 35 minutes

Interested in Aromatherapy?

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